Vestibule, Written Composition, 2016
Heavy headed.
Groggy eyed.
as though I was floating blissfully through time and space.
Like a balloon bobbing around aimlessly,
Feverishly approaching the ground, but never quite so.
I woke to a loud bang.
Followed by another,
And another.
I didn’t know where the sound was coming from,
My body jumped, shuddering each time.
As though the tensing of my muscles would lock out the sounds
from penetrating my body.
Suddenly I realised I was caged in,
Equally comforting as it was terrifying.
I could see far in the distance. Fingertips.
Holding a fine, sharp tipped needle.
Making contact with the brightly coloured skin,
A bang was certain to ensue.
Entering a boxing ring
My escape
In the red corner.